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Sweatman's Bar-B-Que

Address: 1313 Germini Dr., Holly Hill, Sc 29059
Phone: 803-492-7543
Cards: None
Hours: Friday and Saturday 11:30AM – 9PM


“Under new management...”






When we first asked our judges to name their “top three” barbeque houses, Sweatman’s got more first place votes than any other barbeque restaurant in the state.  It is, as many of our judge’s say, the original 100 mile barbeque. 


That was then.  Unfortunately, Sweatman’s has changed ownership and it will be some time before we can see if they stay in the 100 Mile Barbeque rank.


Sweatman’s has been operating since the 1950s.  It’s set in an old farm house that was converted and it’s still going strong, still the same old house out in the same old field stuck out between Eutawville and Holly Hill.  That out-of-the-way location, however, has been the destination for barbeque lovers for over 60 years. By the way, it is generally listed as “in” Holly Hill but it’s actually only about 3 miles from Eutawville while it is about 7 miles from Holly Hill. 


During the first generation’s reign, you actually entered the house/restaurant around through the back door.  But under the latest Sweatman, the son and daughters of “Mr. Bill,” they let you come in the front door and the new owners utilize the front door also.


Out back you will find a large pile of hickory and oak wood.  There is some pecan in there too.  Presumably the new owners will stick to real wood on a real pit. 


In the mean time we are moving Sweatman’s to the “Worth the Trip” category and time will tell if it can regain its 100 mile Barbeque status.




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