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Roger's Bar-B-Q House

Address:  2004 2nd Loop Rd, Florence, SC 29501
Phone:  (843) 667-9291‎
Hours of operation:
Wednesday 11am – 4pm,
Thursday–Saturday, 1:00am–9:00pm,
Sunday 11:00 am – 4:00pm 


"The always crowded parking lot is your guide."





Roger’s is Florence’s premier barbeque restaurant.  They consistently win the yearly awards the local papers and magazines give out after people vote.  Step up to the buffet and you’ll see why.  Or better yet, after you eat there you’ll see why.  Everything I tasted at Roger’s, and that was almost everything on the buffet, I liked.

Roger’s has two kinds of barbeque, mustard based and a vinegar and pepper based.  The vinegar and pepper is spicy and hot and the mustard based is what one expects, thank goodness; that is, not too sweet.  They even have their famous vinegar and pepper sauce bottled so you can have some for home use.  And it’s only $2.89 a bottle.  That’s a deal.

Roger’s not only serves a very good barbeque but they have some of the best liver hash I’ve ever had.  Hash is a German thing (see the Brief History on this website) being, when you think about it, nothing more than a liquid sausage. 

Back in the good ole days they made up hash (as they do sausage) out of all of the leftover parts of the pig and that always included the liver.  That old-timey hash was a great dish with lots of character.  As people got farther and farther away from their county heritage and got more citified, they decided that they didn’t want hash made out of “parts” so the restaurateurs started serving hash made up out of prime cuts of meat only, shoulder and hams and such.  And they started leaving out the liver. Too bad.  Trying to find a real live liver hash elsewhere in South Carolina is a problem even in the midlands where German mustard sauce is predominant and hash is on every menu and buffet.  Thank goodness the Pee Dee area of the state still keeps the tradition alive.  There “hash” means either liver hash or “red” hash which is a (generally) sweet sauce that one puts over rice.  Liver hash is, as I say, almost everywhere in the Pee Dee but at Roger’s it is the answer to a barbeque buff’s prayer.

Most everyone in Florence thinks Roger’s is the barbeque place.  They have a large parking lot in the back of the restaurant too, thank goodness, or you would never be able to get a parking place.  Try Roger’s and learn what the people of Florence have known for 35 years.



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