Scott's B.B.Q.
Address:2734 Hemingway Hwy, Hemingway, SC 29554Phone:803-558-9927
Hours:Every day store hours

There are those among us who think Scott’s B.B.Q., just outside of Hemingway, SC, is as good as it gets. And it’s hard to argue with them especially if you like it hot.
Scott’s is a take-out barbeque that is a major part of an old fashioned country store, or really an old fashioned country “convenience” store. Scott serves that local community with the usual bread and milk and beer convenience store fare but it’s the barbeque that seals the show.
This is 100 mile barbeque at its old timey best. This is real low country vinegar and pepper barbeque with the emphasis on the pepper. And while it’s not too hot for the average bear it somehow really makes a cold beer taste wonderful.
They are proud of their product and you can get a tour of the back of the store and out on the lot. There you will find a few locals sitting around, telling tales and passing the time. There will be someone there making sure that the big metal barrel where they make their own charcoal is being stoked with the hickory and oak wood that is piled up. You get to that back yard through the wonderfully smoky pit area where you can meet the pit master, who is proud of his handiwork, as well he should be.
At Scott’s you can get a half hog cooked up for only $175 or they will cook the meat you bring them. They will also barbeque turkeys that you bring in and that will even cook you a whole hog which you bring. They also kindly break down their cooking charges into a large hog or a small hog.
At the take-out window you can buy it by the whole hog, the half hog, the pound or they will fix you up with a sandwich. That sandwich, which is legendary in South Carolina, must have three quarters and a pound of barbeque on it! One of those sandwiches and a cold one out of the cooler is a meal in itself. And what a meal it is!