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Price's Bar-B-Que

Address:408 Ervin Price Rd., Gilbert, SC 29054
Hours:Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday lunch.


"One of the best kept secrets in South Carolina."




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The first taste of Price’s barbeque and I was instantly reminded of my childhood.  You know how they say you never forget a smell or a taste?  Well, Price’s tasted and smelled just like the barbeque that you got at Lever’s Barbeque that used to operate in West Columbia back in the 1940s and 50s.  It was the first barbeque house I can remember.  I was so young that daddy had to hold my hand as we walked from the car to Lever’s entrance.  It was over 50 (50? Hell, it was over 60) years ago, but I’ve never forgotten the taste.

Price is truly old fashioned, Lexington, mustard based, traditional mid-
Carolina, German style barbeque.  And so is the hash.

They serve a buffet on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights and on Sunday after church.  During lunch time they fix your plate for you but don’t worry, you get plenty.  Don’t pass up the home-made slaw either.  Just a touch of mustard and onion give it a little kick that is most pleasing.

Indeed, all of their sides, which included the now ubiquitous mac and cheese, are home-made, including the red velvet cake, the cream pound cake (both made from old family recipes).  Except for the baked beans (which they “improve” to where they don’t taste commercial at all) they try to make everything themselves.

Of course, the best thing they make is their pit-cooked barbeque slow cooking it over real wood they way real barbeque masters have been doing it for hundreds of years.  Their hash is meaty and mild with no taste of liver or other “innards.”  I wish someone did serve the really old-fashioned style hash but today’s younger generation would have a fit if they knew something was in their hash other than shoulder meat and ham.  Too bad.

Price’s is off of Highway 378 near Gilbert about 8 miles out of Lexington.  The Gilbert address is actually the mail route address rather than the town itself with is on the left hand side of 378 coming out of Lexington.  Price’s is off towards the right hand side of that road as you are going away from Lexington.  There used to be a sign on Highway 378 that said “Price’s Bar-B-Que” with an arrow pointing down Beulah Road, which passes the Beulah Methodist Church but it got taken down. Just head down Beulah Road and veer right onto Ervin Price Road.  The 378 Highway sign is gone now that the road has been widened but Price’s is still down there. 

In fact, it is there now more than ever.  It used to be that Price only opened up on holidays and for Saturday bulk sales and take out.  Now, since 2007, they have started serving the public on Thursday through Sunday for eat in.  Thank goodness.

This is one 100 mile barbeque you don’t want to miss.



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