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Bill’s Low Country Bar-B-Que

Address:  2041 North Fraser St.,
Georgetown, SC 29440
Phone: 843-527-2697            
Hours of operation: Thursday-Saturday, 5pm to 9pm; Sunday 11:00am to 2:00pm

100 Mile barbeque with a great buffet.




Big Bill’s Low Country Bar-B-Que has been operating just outside of Georgetown for many years and thank goodness for that. 

Georgetown has been blessed with some really top barbeque for many decades now.  First there was Yum Young’s up Highway 17 north of the city, which was true 100 Mile barbeque back in those days but Yum retired about 20 years ago and sold his operation to some people who didn’t come up to his level.  Now that barbeque house has traded hands a few more times and it has developed into a great Worth the Trip restaurant (Hog Heaven).  But Big Bill’s to the west of Georgetown continues that 100 Mile tradition as he still cooks in a real pit cooker over real charcoal plus he does it right.

His barbeque has that just-right smoked taste.  It is tender and he doesn’t ruin it with too much sauce.  He also puts a whole barbeque shoulder out on the buffet line and allows you to pick the meat you want including that fine outside blackened bark.  The chunks I got were juicy and perfectly tender and the taste was unbeatable.  He, of course, also has his own pulled pork barbeque if you don’t want to pick your own and it is well worth the try.  But that’s not all.

Big Bill’s Low Country Bar-B-Que has a great buffet line. At first glance it looks pretty much like any other buffet line until you find out that they cook their own sides there.  From the fresh made coleslaw (I liked it as they had not sugared it to death) to the sweet potato soufflé (which had a bit too much cinnamon and nutmeg for my taste but I’ll bet most people will like it) to some great extras that you don’t see elsewhere.  For instance, they have a shrimp pileau (sounds like “perlow” if you are not a low countryman) that takes the place of the usual Brunswick stew and that perlow dished over white rice was very tasty indeed.  They also have low-country dirty rice that was a hit with me and my eating companion.  Their squash casserole is not to be missed but then that can be said about most everything they serve including heir hush puppies if you like yours (as I do) with a cornbread taste and not over sugared.


As to the pulled barbeque, it’s done right but unfortunately there were no ribs available.  The whole- shoulder pig picking mostly makes up for the lack of ribs. They also have a rather distinctive low country barbeque hash that I’ve not seen anywhere else and I like it. His skins are not to be missed and they are in the same league as those from Jerry Hite in West Columbia and Jackie Hite in Leesville, both of whose skins are called 200 Mile skins by our judges. 

Their sauce, which was a low country vinegar and pepper, complimented the barbeque, which is not always the case.  True vinegar and pepper sauce has pretty much disappeared from being served to the public since it doesn’t add much in the way of a flavor profile.  That basic vinegar and pepper has been replaced with a V&P that has some tomato and spices in it and that type sauce is more typically found in the Pee Dee area of South Carolina. Big Bill’s Low Country Bar-B-Que has that sort of sauce and it has a touch of heat to it (as all V&P sauces should), but they also serve an even hotter version that I liked as I could taste the black pepper in it as well as the red pepper.

They also have chicken tenders on the buffet and chicken and fish but don’t go to a 100 Mile barbeque house for chicken.

But wait! There’s more! (As they say on TV.)

Over on the dessert island they have multi-layered, homemade chocolate cake and caramel cake, which like all of their desserts, they make themselves.  Their banana pudding was right up there in a top spot against any banana pudding I’ve had anywhere in the state.  But even as good as those desserts were, they were not the biggest hit, believe it or not.  The best thing on the dessert buffet was the unbeatable Italian Cream Cake.  You can get very good banana pudding in a number of 100 Mile houses, but you will not get Italian Cream Cake like that anywhere else, including in some uptown bakery somewhere.  Don’t miss it.  In fact, don’t miss Big Bill’s Low Country Bar-B-Que.






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