Ronnie's Ribs
Address: 2435 Main St, Elgin, SC 29045
Phone: 803-438-8522
Cards: yes
Hours of operation: Monday-Friday, 11:00 – 8:00; Saturday 11:00 – 9:00pm.

Ronnie’s Ribs is relatively new. It has been there for about three years and those have all been recession years so things have been tough. One can only hope that Ronnie holds out until the good times because he puts out what are quite possibly the best ribs I’ve ever had served in a restaurant and when you consider that I live near 100 Mile Belly’s in Lexington and had to pass two 100 Mile Maurice’s to get to Ronnie’s, that’s saying something.
Ronnie’s is takeout only although they do have one picnic table under a roof off to the side of their building.
His prices are reasonable and his barbeque is very good. He makes his own mustard style sauce that is quite good and it actually goes with the barbeque, but his barbeque and ribs don’t need any sauce, so when you order tell them to put the sauce on the side. He will and he will give you plenty of sauce in small plastic containers.
Elgin is still quite small since Columbia has not grown out that far yet, but it has two barbeque houses in it. It must serve more barbeque per capita than any town in South Carolina including Leesville (which has Hite’s and Shealy’s), but which is much larger. Elgin is also the home of Smokehouse Restaurant, which is right across the street from Ronnie’s. I’m sure that Smokehouse is very stiff competition (see the review for Smokehouse). If Smokehouse served ribs like Ronnie’s then it would unquestionably be a 100 mile barbeque restaurant.
Unfortunately, Smokehouse doesn’t serve those magnificent ribs and Ronnie’s is not a sit-down restaurant. Too bad.
If I were headed to a tailgate party and was within 50 miles of Ronnie’s I would load up on his ribs. If so, my tailgating friends would be singling my praises for years to come.
Ronnie’s is, without a doubt, 100 mile ribs. You have simply got to try some.