Trenton Bar B Q
Address: 5005 Edgefield Rd, Trenton, SC 29847
Phone: (803) 275-6465
Cards: yes
Hours of operation: Thursday – Saturday, 11:00-8:00pm

Trenton’s has long been considered a 100 mile barbeque but recently they underwent a change of ownership so this has to be checked out again. But don’t despair, they are still cooking over hickory and it’s reported to still be very good. Plus, they serve ribs on their buffet, which is, indeed, a big plus.
Trenton’s is a large, comfortable BBQ house that is between Aiken and Edgefield so, even though it is good barbeque with a loyal following, you can easily find a seat.
While you are there it’s like home. If you strike up a conversation with fellow diners, you will always find people there from “off” (as they say in South Carolina) who have made the trip just to eat there. It’s worth it.
While their chicken is extra special, their barbeque is worth the trip in itself.
Their deserts are home made and the service is country friendly. It’s one of the places you’ve got to visit if you are on your quest to eat at the top barbeque houses that dot the state.